Thursday, August 07, 2008

Tomato Worms

OK, so I have tomato worms.. These things are nasty. Where do they even come from? They give me the Heebee Jeebees. ewwwww!

This the the back of it with some weird horn thing sticking out.

You can't really judge from the picture but the thing was 4 inches long!

Here it is crapping out green balls that looked like mini tomatoes. I guess it crapped these out due to the trauma of being pulled of the tomato plants (not by my hands. I will not touch them).

Anyway, I haven't seen anymore..

/knocks on wood

1 comment:

PiperChristian said...

Those things are fuckin' creepy as all get out!!! Thanks for saving one in Tupperware for me to see when I got home from work. EWWWWW!